Executive Board Duties

ISU ISBA Club Executive Board

Responsibilities and Expectations

Holding a position on the ISBA Club Executive Board requires you to adhere to the highest possible standards in the College of Business. This is a professional club that represents the university to external businesses and organizations, therefore it’s critical that everyone does their part to uphold professionalism at all times.

  1. You are bound by the College of Business Professional Standards & Expectations at all times when acting as a representative of the club. An up-to-date copy of these standards can be found here.
  2. You’ll be expected to attend every executive and general meeting, including special events. (Field trips are not required but are highly encouraged.) If you know you cannot make something you need to notify the president as soon as you find out, but no later than 2 hours before the meeting or event. Acceptable absences include: sickness, family commitments, academic obligations, etc.) If you are able to schedule something so that it doesn’t conflict with an ISBA Club event/meeting, it is expected that you do so.
  3. Our employer relations are arguably one of our most important assets. Whenever an employer contacts you, you are expected to respond (or forward to the appropriate person) within a reasonable timeframe, usually 48 hours.
  4. We’re a team, we pitch in to help each other whenever we can. We also ask others for help if we need it.
  5. If you use a club P-Card, you need to also fill out the proper associated paperwork. The club treasurer can answer any questions on this.
  6. Everyone on the board must be safe food certified: http://www.riskmanagement.iastate.edu/events/food/safefood-101

Individual Position Responsibilities

These are flexible as long as they are discussed with the executive team.


  • Lead the meetings of club and exec meetings
  • Attend College of Business Student Organization meetings
  • Work with Special Events Coordinator on ISBA Club Career Night event
  • Work with Vice-President to coordinate company trips each semester
  • Send out weekly emails to club about upcoming events
  • Work with other clubs to better the College of Business experience

Vice President

  • Manage trip sign ups and fill out office of risk management paperwork
  • Make a survey to get feedback on the events
  • Have a close working relationship with President


  • Work with President to maintain a discussed cash balance
  • Submit budget for the semester to the exec board by the second exec meeting of the semester
  • Maintain a budget in an online form for up-to-date information
  • This should include a spreadsheet that tracks all transactions. Treasurer and President should be able to use this to know exactly how much money (cash and in the bank) we have at all times.
  • Submit fund allocations each semester based on deadline from Business Council
  • Coordinate contact with outside companies for fundraising and sponsorship, and any other revenue generating initiatives

Special Events Coordinator

  • Plan and organize ISBA Club Career Night Reception each semester
  • Coordinate philanthropic activities for ISBA Club Members and Executive Board
  • Develop any new events seen fit by the Exec Board
  • Coordinate club social each semester

Social Coordinator

  • Must have a car and be available no later than 5:00 pm the day of a general meeting
  • Plan and organize food for general meetings for Wednesday of each week when there is a meeting
  • Purchase drinks, silverware, plates and cups for general meetings
  • Coordinate exec board social after career week
  • Coordinate any other social event deemed necessary by the exec board

Speaker Coordinator

  • Contact companies to host meetings and coordinate club meetings.
  • Welcome and thank companies
  • Manage list of sponsors and company contacts
  • Ensure transition of knowledge to future speaker coordinators

Marketing Coordinator

  • Post to Facebook & Twitter a weekly IT related article
  • Post all ISBA Club events on Facebook as soon as events have been finalized
  • Whatever is on the ISBA Club website calendar should be on Facebook

Systems Administrator/Webmaster

  • Maintain and support the ISBA Club Information System
  • Maintain records of current members in database
  • Ensure transition of knowledge to future systems administrators
  • Maintain technical design of ISBA Club website
  • Responsible for ISBA Club website content
  • Update Companies page list each week by Friday after meetings